Wednesday, January 30, 2013

RO2 Guide : Equipment Exchange/Guranyang

Hello, this is Guranyang the cat merchant. You can easily recognize him as most of the npc are human, and i believe you can see him in almost map every which have dungeon. That is because this npc will trade you blue grade equipment . Guranyang at every map is specific, you will only see list of item from the current map dungeon. 
In the picture above, you can see the list of item available for exchange. You will need statue for exchange. You can get statue from doing dungeon quest. So, i believe you will only get 1 type of statue per dungeon. Plus ,statues are bonded to your character and you cant destroy it. If you want to get rid of them, exchange them first and destroy the equipment. 

Like i said before , Guranyang require specific statue, you can only exchange Payon Statue with Payon Guranyang. 
There are only 3 type of statue, for top, bottom and weapon. I believe there are no hat, glove and shoes statue. 

Above, is one of the item can be exchanged from sograt guranyang. note that you will need sograt weapon statue to trade him this. The sword is bind on pickup or in this case bind on exchange, cant be sold to npc or other player. Only can be destroyed. You cant even dissemble them. Finally they does not have rune holes. 

Conclusion, make sure you do your dungeon quest. Guranyang equipments are much better than green, but slightly overpowered by dungeon blue grade. But at least they will help you in leveling/dungeon while you are hunting for better equips. 

RO2 Guide : Equipment Quality

Unlike the original Ragnarok Online, the equipment quality in RO2 are color graded. Slot system also exist , but there are called rune hole and you can put runes instead of cards.

White equipment 
The most basic equipment is white. However don't waste your money buying them as you  can easily get free and better equipment from quest.

Effect            : Nothing but defense
Where to get : NPC ; weapon merchant, heavy armor merchant etc.

Green equipment
Noticed that the description is longer than white grade. Because they also add stats, which are very useful. Using a lower level green is much better than using whites. see below, 57 STR will add 114 physical attack and 58 VIT give around 290 extra hp.
 Effect           : Extra stats (STR/VIT/WIS.VIT)
Where to get : Normal quest, monster drop, or craft by blacksmith.
Remark        : Bind on equips BOE, which mean it will be bounded to your character only once equipped.

Blue equipment 
The stat given are pretty much the same as green grade. However, they will be 2 more effect. Either Vigor + Haste or Dodge +Parry. This differentiate between dps and tanking capabilities. The first combination is better for dps build as vigor reduce cool down of skill and haste reduce skill casting time. Second combination is perfect for tanking as dodge will obviously increase dodge toward attack, and parry reduce the damage received. 

 Effect           : Extra stats (STR/VIT/WIS.VIT) + Vigor&Haste or Dodge&Parry
Where to get : Monster drop, blacksmith craft, Guranyang (catlike npc) 
Remark        : Bound item, once you pick it, nontransferable . Trade from npc also non-transfer . However,  crafted equips is BOE. 

Below is another blue equip, which have blind rune hole. This one is dropped from dungeon boss. If you look carefully, the stats are much better. This type is always bound on pickup. 

 Purple Equips  *The information here could be wrong as i haven't manage to find/get purple equip personally. 
Purple is the best grade so far. Purple equip have even more extra effect (haste+vigor or dodge+parry) compared to blue. Purple equipment are very rare and expensive, and i believe they are dropped from raid  (in form of token, where you can exchange from npc) and also from crafting. In RO2Sea, i have seen some recipe in auction price, and the price are super expensive. Plus, the material needed are also very hard to find. The good thing is, they are usually crafted with 1 or 2 rune holes, and BOE. 

 Effect           : Extra stats  + Much more Vigor&Haste or Dodge&Parry (more than double of blue grade)
Where to get : Boss drop, blacksmith craft
Remark        : BOE

I haven't manage to get any purple or join any raid . The information that i have now is limited to what i have personally experience. I will update this once i got more information/experience. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

RO2 : My first dungeon. Trauma

My first quest dungeon ! Trauma.

Look scary!

He look scary, but weak! HAHA

Edit : this boss will drop 1 item. which is required for khara quest. And dont forget to challenge that khara quest, tho i forget whats the name, will update soon

Very short dungeon. I manage to gain a level. ;)

RO2 Guide : Khara & Title

While Title feature is quite common in mmorpgs, khara is a new feature introduced in RO2. Similar to normal quest, khara system is much simpler, where no npc is involved. Mission can be accepted (in this case challenged) , from the khara window, and you will be rewarded as soon as you fulfill the objective. The Khara info window can be accessed by pressing 'O'(default key).

Press O to access this window. 
There are a lot of box, each with different mission.  As you can see above, the icon lighted up is available  while those which are dark, are not available yet. To unlock them, certain level have to be reached, or some normal quest have to be done. After you finish khara mission, you will be rewarded, and the icon clear will come out.  Various type of quest are available can easily be distinguish by their icon.

  • Sword (white): Hunt 'x' number of 'z' monster
  • Sword (orange) : Hunt certain boss monster . These boss usually have high hp which require full party. 
  • Helm : 
    • Reach 'x' level or
    • Reach 'x' job level.
    • Obtain 'y' number of title
    • Finish series of dungeon quest. 
  • Watch
    • Get 'x' number of item
    • Use 'x' number of item
    • Use skill 'x' time
    • Upgrade armor/weapon 'x' time.
    • Summon guardian 'x' time
    • Die 'x' time
    • Resurrect 'x' time
    • Repair equipment 'x' time
  • Treasure box
    • Get some stuff
    • Get a boss weapon (from dungeon boss)
    • Obtain 'x' number of cards.
Some of the quest are automatically challenge(accepted) as you unlock them, while some others need to be challenge and cost khara point. Mind you, if you don't have enough point, the quest will not be available (dark). However, you don't need to worry as some of the khara itself will reward you some khara point when you finish them. There are other awesome reward such as :
  • Combat experience & Zeny
  • Title
  • Title & Job experience
  • Khara point

As you can see in the picture above, some bomb icon exist with arrows in it. Clearing khara mission where the arrow points will give you a lot of job experience and zeny. 

Arrow > will expand Title tab
As you can see above, the Title tab can be seen by expanding Khara window. All the title can be obtained from khara mission. Title will be available next to your name when enabled, and only one can be used at a time. Title also give you some stat, and they are very useful. As you can see above, the title have different color which indicate its grade. Orange has the best stat and vanilla the lowest. (This could be wrong as i forgot the order)


See below , one of the end game title. Awesome stat. Em, the left one is what i am using now. 

I want this!

RO2 : Ragnarok Online 2 Archer !

Just started playing Ragnarok online 2  : Legend of the Second ( RO2:LotS ) . So i have decided to play archer because i want to become beast master (BM) which can transform into a bear. 

Bullying Poring in 3D. ;)

I choose the job artisan, which can craft light armor and rune. From what i understand, there is no real restriction or best job that goes with your class. Any profession will do fine. There are 4 profession, artisan, blacksmith,  chef and alchemist. Each job can craft different type of item, which i am not familiar with yet. While killing monster give you normal experience, job experience is obtained by picking material or crafting. 

TeddyLala crafting, or should i say sewing?
Artisan get material from dead monster, so  after looting, don't forget to click on the dead monster again . And the great thing is, you can also get it from monster which was killed by others . Because my artisan level is still 4, i only can refine the material.

For stat and skills, i haven't add anything, because i haven't decide on what build i want to be. 

  • STR  : Increase 2 attack power & 2 parry.
  • AGI  : Increase 5 critical & 2 dodge.
  • INT  : Doesn't affect archer.
  • WIS : Increase SP by 10. 
  • VIT  : Increase 5 HP.
Similar to RO1, you will be given stats point. As you increase more STR (example), it will cost more to be leveled . I guess the important point for archer is STR, AGI and VIT. If i want to become tanker beastmaster, STR and VIT is main stats, however, i haven't decide to add how much. One character also get a lot of stats from equipment and card. 

How much each point of parry,critical and dodge could give varies, as your level increase, the point give lesser effect. For example, my total STR now is 28, which give 56 parry. 56 parry at level 5 give me 11.51% parry rate. =(